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The German Scout Association of Saint George (DPSG)

The "Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg" (DPSG), founded back in 1929, offers more than just adventure to over 80,000 members of all ages. As Germany's largest scout association it encourages its members to take an active part in shaping their lives and their environment. In doing so they learn to become responsible adults and active members of their communities. This is best achieved in groups with members of similar age. The DPSG is co-educational; male and female members play, discover and learn together. Through group activities they learn to take responsibility for themselves and for others, and to develop their relationship with God.

Scouting in Germany

Age Sections

The DPSG structures its program into four age groups. Cub scouts (7 - 10 years old) discover the world around them and develop their everyday lives. For scouts (10 - 13 years) it's all about adventure and personal development as they begin their teenage years together. Senior scouts (13 - 16 years) enjoy taking risks and testing their personal limits while exploring their own identity and attitudes. Rovers (16 - 20 years) get out and about discovering the world and tackling the problems they encounter.

Kinder sitzen in einer Reihe hintereinander
Andreas Krüskemper


Annual Campaign and Commitment

Banner mit dem Schriftzug DPSG international
Gerridt Passoth

International department

The DPSG's international work is organized by the international team (IAK), externally represented by the International Commissioner and supported by a full-time staff member at the DPSG's headquarters. For contact information see the contact page.

The International Commissioners are the primary point of contact for the DPSG's international relations. They represent the association abroad, take part in international conferences and preside over bilateral contacts between national scout organisations (NSOs). This is an unpaid voluntary post which is currently held by Paul Klahre.

DPSG International